Leash Out Pet Photography – Toronto Pet Photographer » Pet Photography

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toronto dog photographer | Mac & Rosebud from Grand Valley!

I had the honour of photographing Mac, 14 years young and Rosebud, AKA Rosie, 10 years young!  They are from the beautiful town of Grand Valley!  If you haven’t been there, you need to check it out!  I LOVE photographing senior dogs, but you would have never thought these two musketeers were seniors.  Mac was super fast and the way he bolted to the ball, I would have never guessed he was 14.  I think we need to test him for PED’s (performance enhancing drugs), ha ha, joking.  Rosebud was no different, especially if you had her favourite toy, a BALL.  She loved chasing that ball like there is no tomorrow.  I get so stuck in the moment, I almost forget to click my shutter.  I’m so blessed Mac and Rosebud’s momma and daddy picked me to photograph their furkids.  I know how much they mean to their family.  Thank you for the honour.  Here is a few shoots from these super models, enjoy!

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Mac is on the left and Rosebud on the right, aren’t they super photogenic!

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Seriously, handsome and pretty, times 100000000!  They are so cute.

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First time I have every tried this shot of their paws together.  It was just there, and I saw a moment of friendship.  I’m so happy my heart and brain saw this shot.

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Who loves the Boston Terrier smile?  EVERYONE does, who am I kidding.

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“See ya sport!”

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Mac was way to excited for the treat.

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14 years old????  Seriously, I was in shock how much speed Mac has still.

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Time to relax in the shade!  I don’t blame you!

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Some of my favourite shots, these shots shout ‘Leash Out!’

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If you are looking for a professional and experienced toronto dog photographer, look no further.  I would be honoured to capture your furkid on camera.  Please click here to get started.

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st catharines dog photographer | Will the real King James please stand up!

Have you met the real King James?  I know you are thinking of Lebron from the Cavaliers, but he isn’t the real ‘King James’.  The real King James is a handsome Poodle from st catherines, Ontario.  I had the honour of photographing this star last week!  James is 11 years young and he was a trooper at his shoot, he preformed like a star.  When I met James’ human, it was at a recent event.  We got chatting and I wasn’t sure if she wanted to book a shoot with Leash Out.  I never try to sell, I know when someone is ready, they will know it.  A had a review on my table from a past client and it hit home with James momma.  A tear came down her face and put the review in front of me, and said, “this is why I want to book with you”.   He had a scary heath episode a few weeks earlier with James.  He is doing good now and nothing can stop a King.  Everyone books with me for different reasons.  Photography is not for everyone, but for some people, like James’ human momma, it means a great deal to her  She wants to capture his precious face by a professional photographer, it is important to her.  My job now is to do my best as always.  A photo is always priceless when you look at it in the future, and you look back at the memories.  Thank you for the honour Sir King James for choosing me.  Enjoy a preview of James photo shoot.

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You can see James soul through his eyes, so precious.

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I want to thank everyone for the amazing support throughout Ontario and Canada.  It means a great deal to my family and I.  If you are looking for a professional and experienced dog photographer, look no further.  I would be stoked to capture your furkid on camera.  Please click here to get started.

Follow Leash Out:

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milton dog photographer | We’re going back to Callie! ♫ ♫

I can fully admit, I can be horrible with names, but I never forget a face.  Especially a face like this beautiful girl, Callie.  I can’t help but never forget her name either.  I just think of California or the song, Going Back to Cali, by LL Cool J.  The young readers may not know the song, but check it out, its catchy.  I’m actually listening to it right now as I write this blog post.  Now, back to the regularly scheduled programing, CALLIE!  It was an honour and so much FUN to photograph this darling.  She was super well trained and she was very interactive.  Not every dog wants to stick their nose in my camera.  It can be weird piece of technology the dog has never seen, or sometimes models can be divas, hee hee.  BUT, Callie had no beefs with my camera and she dosed me with strutts, action shots and modelish poses.  In short, she rocked the Earth floor.  I can’t thank Callie enough for being a great collaborative partner.  It is a true pleasure Callie.  Enjoy a sneak peek of her photo shoot.

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“Yes, I know I’m rocking this shoot” – Callie

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A nice refreshing swim at the end of the shoot.  We didn’t plan to hit the water, but we did, and it is some of my favourite shots of Callie.

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I want to thank everyone for the amazing support in the town I call home, Milton, Ontario.  It means a great deal to my family and I.  If you are looking for a professional and experienced milton dog photographer, look no further.  I would be honoured to capture your furkid on film.  Please click here to get started.

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st catharines dog photographer | Lila and Joe, who loves Rotties?

Who loves Rotties? I DO I DO!  I have always loved this powerful breed of dog.  The awesome part about Rottweiler’s is, they are super loyal and they can be big cuddle buddies.  They always feel like they can just sit on your lap, like they are 10 pounds or something.  I had the pleasure of photographing brother and sister, Lila and Joe from st. catharines.  They were a hoot to photograph.  Lila was less shy and more active.  She defintely knew how to strutt her stuff.  She had it going on for sure.  Joe was little more shy or he was playing hard to get.  He had a swagger to him and oh boy did I love his big rottie head.  I can squeeze those cheeks all day!  I’m honoured that his family chose me to capture them on camera.  They drove to Burlington to meet me.  I know how life can be busy, I’m very flattered they decided on Leash Out, despite the distance.  Enjoy a few photos of Lila and Joe’s photo day!  They are awesome dogs.

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Stunning I must say!  Lila is on the left and Joe on the right.

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Look at the rottie mug, Joe you are sooooo cute!!!

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Lila looking as sweet as ever.  I just wanted to cuddle with her, but then I remembered I was on a shoot.

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No Photoshop here, they both ran with each other.  They are litter mates and best friends for life.

st catharines dog photographer -lila and joest catharines dog photographer -lila and joest catharines dog photographer -lila and joest catharines dog photographer -lila and joest catharines dog photographer -lila and joe

I want to thank everyone for the amazing support throughout Ontario and Canada.  It means a great deal to my family and I.  If you are looking for a professional and experienced dog photographer, look no further.  I would be ecstatic to capture your furkid on film.  Please click here to get started.

Follow Leash Out:

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